Guys! It is hard to believe that summer is over and back to school is in full swing. For some of us this means sending the kiddos back to school (phew! God bless you teachers out there) and giving us an opportunity to start a new schedule. Yes, I said opportunity! Back to school schedule can be an opportunity for you to find a block of time for you and your HEALTH.
Schedule time for you, that might be getting in an extra workout, focusing on your nutrition, taking the dog for a longer walk or going for an early morning hike.
In my house it means getting back to earlier bed times. This makes a HUGE difference for me and my time. Over the summer the kids are typically in bed by 9:00 or 9:30. About a week or two out from school I start getting them closer to 8:00 pm. We are a lights out by 8:00 pm (even my middle schooler, which she hates) but sleep is so important for their growing brains and momma needs her time too! When they get to bed earlier, it means I can get all of my things done earlier and get to bed earlier myself. I personally have been struggling with getting enough sleep and it is making itself evident in my mood, training and nutrition. So I am taking this opportunity to make the most out of my new block of time and hit the hay earlier.
Scheduling "me time" might mean a new fitness routine, a new fitness goal, adding an extra workout in a week, or finding something new to challenge you. Maybe now is when you finally sign up for that first 5k, or you walk into that fitness studio for a class. Your kiddo were probably nervous walking into school that first day, but you didn't talk them out of it. You built them up and told them they were rock stars and there was nothing to nervous about. Sometimes you have to do the same thing to yourself. Walking into the gym and jumping on the treadmill is easy, you have done it 100 times. Do something that makes you a little nervous. I can guarantee, the time will go faster, you'll have way more fun and you will realize, YOU are a rock star and there is nothing to be nervous about. YOU got this!