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  • Writer's pictureCoach Beth

Member Spotlight

This Member Spotlight goes out to ALL of our members. Over the last four months our community has stayed strong, engaged and supportive of each other. I am so proud of all of our ladies for staying committed to LCBC but more than anything, staying committed to their goals of staying healthy! A lot of things happened over our shutdown! We rocked out a four part Women's Wellness series, donated over $100 to a Covid-19 relief fund, welcomed our second LCBC baby, hosted several yoga classes, added online members from Texas, ran a couple 30 day challenges AND we now have more teachers than ever! I LOVE having teachers in our community! I hope y'all know how much we appreciate all that you do for us!

Thank you for showing up, thank you for being you, thank you for staying committed to yourself!

This is our community! STRONG and GROWING!

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